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We don’t always get it right at first
We don’t always have a right understanding of something at the start. Understanding is often acquired. It comes slowly . . . gradually ....
The Grains of an Ingrained Nature
I was scrambling to make my exit to church, arms loaded, when my Bible hit the stairs with a thud. “Sorry, YiaYia,” I uttered aloud. This...
Learning to avoid recipes for disaster
Safely home, I opened the hatch, only to find groceries strewn across the back of the car. I had suspected as much. All the clattering...
Responses to Unseen Obstacles
Have you ever had a significant task at hand, but you suddenly hit an obstacle? Try as you might, you just couldn’t seem to make any...
To keep learning and to keep walking is how to walk with the Lord - Part VI
When training my kids, I thought a lesson had a better chance of taking root if they were exposed to multiple sources reinforcing the...
What to Remember and What Not to Forget—Lessons from Egypt, Part II
Remembering Egypt held value for the people of God—as noted in yesterday’s post. Today we’ll look at a few more instructions from God...
What to Remember and What Not to Forget—Lessons from Egypt, Part I
Therefore, say to the Israelites: “I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from...
Persisting in Prayer—The Saga Continues
A tree that stood in my backyard seemed fine to the naked eye. But it was faulty . . . weak . . . vulnerable. It was plagued on the...
How Not To Waste A Bad Thing
I hear their voices still ringing in my ears: “Don’t waste it.” That it can represent anything good; like, food, money, health . . ....
Learning to Walk
I remember what it was like trying to teach my children how to walk. I’d ease them up onto wobbly legs—gently holding and guiding them...
When Being Stuck Doesn’t Seem So Temporary
Everybody I know feels stuck. Life seems to be on hold. We can’t move forward. And we can’t go back. We tarry here in the in-between....
Hard Stops
Have you ever seen a horse from this angle? I have! Do you know what causes it? You guessed it: hard stops. (Go ahead and chuckle. I know...
Trending Now
Welcome, friend, to a moment you’ve captured out of your busy day. Don’t feel guilty about it. Instead, take a deep breath. Clear your...
Car parts and faith and what one has to do with the other
Headlights—they come in varying degrees of brightness and hues these days. Whether they’re coming at you dead-on or glaring from the...
Questions for Life
There are other weighty questions we should ask ourselves at certain, pivotal junctures in life.
It’s all about a steady pace
I passed her in the hall during her morning walk. She was moving a bit slower than usual, though, so I paused to check on her. “I’m...
Glimpsing Glory
Have you ever tasted the attainability of a lofty Bible verse? Some hefty verses keep you wondering how, in this fallen world, God will...
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