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Christmas in the Gospels - Day 18
When evening came, the disciples approached [Jesus] and said, “This place is deserted, and it is already late. Send the crowds away so...
When the Love of God Comes Through God’s Family
G od pours His great love into us through a variety of people. It graciously comes directly from Him—through His Son and His Spirit. And...
Family—Metaphorically Speaking
God, in merciful grace, has made accommodations for our comprehension and understanding—thankfully so! And He has done so through...
Living Where Worlds Collide
Whenever I visit my daughter and her family, I quickly (and easily) get lost in my grandson’s world.
The Family You Know You Need
The family graced by God is the family we most need - whether we know it or not
When the Groom Prepares His Bride
There is a Groom who readies His bride with utmost thought and care.
Why Family Views Matter
Does your view of family affect your view of the church . . . the family of God?
Wedded to the Christ in Hope
I have filled my Christmas season this year with contemplations of the Christ and His Bride. I’ve thought about the love Jesus has for...
Shining Advent Light on Peace
The dawning of the onus of peace began with one bite of the forbidden fruit. And the quest for peace has not ceased this side of Eden’s...
A Confidence You Can Have for the Church
There is a lot of speculation about the survival of the church (coming from both internal and external sources). People talk. And...
Trusting God When Church Life Changes
A post for my friends @ When church life changes because of situations out of our control, how can we use the season as an...
Remembering Pentecost
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven...
Remembering His Assuring Words
Forty days counted out past Resurrection Sunday is a day marked for remembrance. Remembrance of the day, ages ago, when the Son of God...
What the Exile Can Teach Us about Returning to Church
My latest essay for Greater than the return of the hobbits to the Shire, greater than Dorothy waking in Kansas, even greater...
The Power and the Beauty of the Psalms in History
I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all...
Gathered in Prayer
For our Tuesday gathering, I selected three groups gathered before God in prayer from the New Testament in order for us to identify the...
What Today’s Disciples Can Learn from the First Disciples
Being a successful Christian businesswoman isn’t something that just happens—there is a becoming involved. As I’m sure Mary Whelchel...
The Dispersed of God
“I don’t belong in this world,” the 88-year-old woman lamented, frustrated with modern technology. I empathized with the sentiment,...
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