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Remembering the Prayer of Jesus
After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed (Jn 17:1) Jesus had just finished sharing the Passover Feast with His friends...
They Wore Stones of Remembrance
Another important juncture in the timeline of Israel’s history is the birth of the priesthood. Exodus contains the revelation of God in...
Persisting in Prayer—The Saga Continues
A tree that stood in my backyard seemed fine to the naked eye. But it was faulty . . . weak . . . vulnerable. It was plagued on the...
Gathered in Prayer
For our Tuesday gathering, I selected three groups gathered before God in prayer from the New Testament in order for us to identify the...
Hard Stops
Have you ever seen a horse from this angle? I have! Do you know what causes it? You guessed it: hard stops. (Go ahead and chuckle. I know...
Word Power for Use
"LORD, there is no one like You to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, O LORD our God, for we rely on You, and in Your name...
Where Disappointment Sends You
It was the last e-mail she ever expected to get. You know–you’ve likely gotten one yourself. That gut-wrenching, heart-breaking,...
When it seems there’s nothing you can do
My momma often said, “There are no easy answers.” Sometimes, when you get bad news, there’s no easy or ready-made solution. Some problems...
A God You Can Trust—Without Question
My phone was clipped to my hip pocket and my earbuds were streaming. I was listening to a favorite podcast during my morning prep...
When you find yourself asking, “What happens now?”
So many questions! Maybe one of the questions you find yourself asking is “what’s next” and you’re waiting for an answer
An Age-Old Prayer for Modern Times
Excuse me. May I interrupt? Please? Just pause a minute. Stop everything. And slowly read this great prayer of Jehoshaphat (it’s a prayer...
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