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A Land Promised
God was ready to part the waters of the Jordan River and bring them into the land He promised
Heavenly Prepared Bread
Background music attribution: The O’Neill Brothers Group, The Holly & The Ivy from Joyous Christmas Carols on Piano The desert was an...
Our Covenantal God
From that first sin in Eden’s garden, it spread like a raging wildfire. But God extended promise to mankind through a series of subsequent
The Christmas Bride & Bridegroom
Tis the season . . . for romance. Or so it seems—gauged by what’s streaming, anyway. Holiday videos have dropped—and the Christmas...
A Confidence You Can Have for the Church
There is a lot of speculation about the survival of the church (coming from both internal and external sources). People talk. And...
The One Who Most Remembers
Don’t you love to be remembered? Doesn’t it just warm your heart when someone remembers your birthday? Thinks of you when you’re sick?...
Remembering What’s Greater
Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was severe. As he was about...
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