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Background music attribution: The O’Neill Brothers Group, The Holly & The Ivy from Joyous Christmas Carols on Piano
In our advent journey so far, we’ve toured the inner components that need tending, so we’re better prepared for Christmas. We looked at the importance of preparing our hearts and minds through prayer and the Word, so that we worship and rest in Jesus. Now we’ll turn the conversation to outward matters.
And there is no better place to begin than with our family.
Now, I’m not talking about polishing up the outside. Or adorning the gang in new outfits for the perfect holiday portrait. It goes beyond gift-giving, too. It’s got to be more intimate than that. It’s got to go deeper.
First and foremost, let’s bathe them in the Word and cover them in constant prayer. And guide their focus to Jesus.
Admittedly, we’ve got some fierce competition battling to divide families. The relentless assault for our kid’s attention – and heart – is constant. But one way to capture them is to immerse and involve them in family traditions.
Christmas is filled with traditions.
There are traditions that were passed on to you from your family. And there are those that you create and pass down to your children and grandchildren. They vary greatly. There are as many traditions as there are families. Those most treasured are the ones rich with meaning and significance.
Our family observed a daily devotional time—which included their participation. This tradition prepared our family for Christmas in meaningful ways. Choose a time that best fits (midday, mealtime, or bedtime), just try to be consistent. I often used various products on the market and custom-fit them to our family. When they were younger, it often included an activity of some kind. It’s not always what you do, or how you do it, just that you simply do. The practice not only enriched our holiday but our faith as well. It made our traditions ripe with the fullness of God. And crowned Jesus King over all.
A child’s wonder is a fantastic thing to cultivate. That awe plants seeds for faith to grow. And the miraculous signs and wonders of God recorded in the birth narrative are definitely awe-inspiring!
So, as you feed your family during the holidays, feed their hearts and minds with the Word. (It’s ok if it’s in bite-sized pieces.)
And, just as the family of Jesus went on pilgrimage for His birth, you can take your family on pilgrimage to the Christ this Christmas—with prepared hearts.