They were longing for a better country—
a heavenly one.
Therefore God is not ashamed
to be called their God,
for he has prepared a city for them (Hebrews 11:16).
Background music attribution: The O’Neill Brothers Group, The Holly & The Ivy from Joyous Christmas Carols on Piano
God prepared the people He delivered;
He had them prepare a place for Him to dwell among them;
and He prepared a priesthood.
God was ready to part the waters of the Jordan River
and bring them into the land
He promised their ancestors.
It was a good and fruitful land;
A land where grape clusters had to be carried on poles;
Where figs and pomegranates burgeoned.
It was a land flowing with the abundance of God’s goodness.
However, attitudes over-shadowed faith.
Fear determined the land unattainable
and God’s promises unbelievable.
If it was the land they didn’t want, it was the land they wouldn’t get.
They would wander in the wasteland of their unbelief
until the last one of them perished there.
God’s offer to settle the land prepared fell to the next generation.
God would conquer the challenges before them,
He would drive out the enemies they’d face
but expected their obedience.
They were, however, to live lives set apart from the influences of the nations.
Christians, too, are called to live in the world . . . but not of it.
When we assign to the Lord, in humble surrender,
the territory of our hearts,
He empowers from within a consecrated life.
By His name, He drives out enemies of pride, immorality, and fear.
It is a battle hard fought . . .
but a battle hard won.
By His Spirit, He produces abundant fruit in barren places—
until we reach that distant shore,
where the Son is now preparing
a land flowing with the riches of our Father’s grace.
We look forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God (Hebrews 11:10 NLT).
In expectant hope, we live as those named in Hebrews’ hall of faith—
unashamed and longing to live in the city promised and prepared
by our everlasting Lord and King.