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Christmas in the Gospels - Day 18

When evening came, the disciples approached [Jesus] and said, “This place is deserted, and it is already late. Send the crowds away so that they can go into the villages and buy food for themselves.”
“They don’t need to go away,” Jesus told them. “You give them something to eat.”
 “But we only have five loaves and two fish here,” they said to him.
 “Bring them here to me,” he said. Then he commanded the crowds to sit down on the grass. He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them. He broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. Everyone ate and was satisfied. They picked up twelve baskets full of leftover pieces (Matthew 14:15-20 CSB).

I always made it a point to involve my kids in our holiday festivities. I invited them to help decorate (if only the bottom branches of the tree), to join in the baking frenzy (if only to lick the bowl), and to sign greeting cards (if only with a thumbprint).


There is something special about participation (even when it bears an if-only level of involvement). It welcomes others in and makes them part of a purposeful activity.


Jesus invited His followers to participate in His ministry. He gifted them with opportunities to be used by Him to bring about blessing.


There were the servants at the wedding in Cana who filled the jars with water (John 2:7). The boy’s small lunch was used by Jesus to feed the famished (John 6:9). Then the hands of the disciples were used to serve up a holy feast. And there was that time Jesus allowed others to roll away the stone and unwrap dead Lazarus from his burial cloths (John 11:39, 44).


Jesus still ministers to the bound and hurting. And He often uses those in proximity to assist. Serving the Body of Christ is a collaboration. It’s ministry in fellowship with Him—for He is the Source and Supply of our service. But it doesn’t end there, because it is also in fellowship with other members of God’s family.


Our participation is our purpose in action, accomplishing our Lord’s will to glorify God.


Does He need us to do that? No! But He blesses us with the privilege. It has always been so. God charged Adam and Eve to be His hands and feet in tending His creation. He used 12 brothers to build a nation. And the Lord used 12 Spirit-charged disciples to launch His Church.


What a gift! To us . . . and others. And your “Yes!” is the gift given in return.



Heavenly Father, thank You for gracing me with opportunities to partner with Jesus. For usefulness. Give me a heart filled with His compassion to minister in fellowship with Him. And eyes to see the ways You want to use me.







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