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Good News All Around

The events following Passover Friday made one believe evil had won.

But the glorious events of Resurrection Sunday proved that light does overcome darkness,

that love does overcome hatred,

that Jesus has conquered death . . .

and that God has provided a solution for sin.

Good won.

Love won.

God won!

A victorious statement by Alister McGrath reads, “The Resurrection of Jesus is a sign of God’s purpose and power to restore His creation to its full stature and integrity. Just as death could be seen as the culmination of all that is wrong with the world, so the Resurrection can be seen as a pledge of God’s ultimate victory over the disorder which plagues His creation on account of the Fall.”

Crucified, buried, and resurrected, Jesus would also ascend to the Father’s right hand—where He continues to carry out the will of God as Messiah, Mediator, Intercessor . . . and Friend.

Jesus is eternally triumphant!

He reigns in glory as Creation’s Risen King!

Jesus is living the raised life!

God has also raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him!

And God raised us up with Christ

and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,

in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable

riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6-7).

This too is the gospel.

Can we wrap our minds around this glorious truth? That God would do such a thing?!

Because of the resurrection of Jesus, we are also raised to life—here and now—

and delivered from the fear of death.

Furthermore, we will be raised to life everlasting—in our future—

delivered from death’s just grip.

This jubilant day, I ask that you read Romans 6:4 quite carefully: “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (emphasis mine).

I will add one more to Romans 6:4 and to Ephesians 2:6-7, that is Colossians 3:1: “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God” (emphasis mine).

Do you see it? Have you picked up on the past-present-future tenses of these verses?

In the past tense, you have been raised with Christ, for you died. At the moment of salvation, the believer dies to their old life and is raised to new life.

Since you are united to Jesus, and because He has already been raised, what is true of Him can also be said of us!

Already united to Him, we are now living a raised life in Him.

We don’t have to wait!

In the present tense, we can set our hearts and minds on Jesus—for our lives are now hidden in the One who is our life, Christ Jesus, now seated at the right hand of God.

And, as for the future tense, when Christ appears we also will appear with Him. Should we pass through the nano-second of time that is death into life everlasting before He comes, then, because of His resurrection, we too will be gloriously resurrected.

All because of God’s great love for us (Ephesians 2:4). And the willing sacrifice of the Suffering Servant.

These we celebrate this fine and glorious day!

Because of Christ Jesus, who is alive and seated in heaven, it can be said that—in Him—we are seated with Him—to live the raised life now!

It’s all such great good news! To the glory of Father, Son, and Spirit!

Good news echoed out of that empty tomb from the lips of the angels.

Good news resounded throughout Palestine . . . and the heavenlies.

Good news bounced around the hearts of those in that upper room.

And good news rings in our ears and sets our faith to soaring!

He is risen, good news cherished by His family and friends then;

and good news to His family and friends multiplying now.

That good news, and all it entails, spans the ages . . . and the globe—

it’s good news all around.

May it make every headline,

fill every sound bite,

and result in glory, honor, and praise

to the living and reigning Lord Jesus.

“Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!”

(Revelation 7:12)

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