Our prayer, Holy Father, is this:
When the advent of Easter is no longer before us,
And these holy days fade away,
May we not forget to remember You daily.
Cure us of our amnesia, Lord:
Chosen-Amnesia, because we choose not to remember;
Enemy-Amnesia, inflicted because the enemy doesn't want us to remember;
Sin-Amnesia, a product of the sin that distracts us from remembering.
Cure us of Thankfulness-Amnesia,
The forgetting to give thanks
For what You've done,
What You're doing,
And what is yet to come.
Vanquish Spirit-Amnesia,
That causes us to neglect to live
Spirit-led lives.
Put an end to all Spiritual-Amnesia,
That forgets the price of our Redemption,
Instigates a loss of hope,
And robs action from faith.
Kindle these minds to a state of high alert,
Watchful readiness;
Continually remembering,
In steadfast prayer.
Wake us from our slumber,
To arise from the dead,
That Christ will shine through us (Eph 5:14).