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Walking Away

Sometimes, to walk one way means you have to walk away from something else.

When Abram was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to Abram 
and said to him, “I am God Almighty; 
walk before me, and be blameless  (Gen 17:1).

Abraham had to walk away from Ur to walk with God in his calling. He had to separate himself from a certain place to live in a place of God’s blessing.

Did he do it perfectly? All the time? No. But it was a calling of a lifetime . . . for a lifetime.

There is a way to walk. And there is one with whom you walk. Both the Way and the One are the same. Jesus. He is the One with whom the disciple walks. And it is to be in the way He walked. And the blazing trail He paved.

Often we need to walk away in order to walk with.

Noah walked with God—right where he was (Gen 6:9). However, the disciples had to step away from their nets, a tax booth, their old way of life, in order to follow their Lord and Master.

There have been times in my life when I wasn’t in a good place. For to walk away from the Lord, is to walk closer to chaos, darkness, and death.

He calls us to walk away. To walk before Him—where there is order . . . light . . . life.

Step away, child of God—toward your Father, your Savior.

Walk before Him, where He will guide your steps in the way of discipleship.


Just so you know . . .


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