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Where the Lord Provides

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Background music attribution: The O’Neill Brothers Group, The Holly & The Ivy from Joyous Christmas Carols on Piano

We are walking our way through God’s Grand Story, recalling those things He has prepared. We’re still in Genesis—because innumerable blessings are found there!

Today’s stop is Genesis 22:13-14:

Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns.

He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering

instead of his son. So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide.

And to this day it is said,

“On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”

The fascination with this Old Testament event is from ancient-of-days. It’s so pivotal in the overarching redemptive narrative. And pondering it deeply prepares a forward-looking faith because it points to future faithful workings of God. Of particular importance is something found in the first verse of chapter 22: Some time later God tested Abraham.

And this was it!

The test housed a question, “Could the promise-making, covenant-keeping God be believed?”

The test had purpose. It demonstrated God had a plan and provision for the outcome. It also proved Abraham’s faith could trust what only God could see.

And Abraham passed the test! (So did Isaac, for that matter, for he trusted his father, as he was bound and laid upon that altar.)

Though Abraham thought God was asking for the life of his promised son, Abraham believed God could, and would, raise him from the dead (Hebrews 11:17-19). So, he went in faith to the Mount of the Lord. And, on the third day, he was given back his son (Genesis 22:4).

God tested Abraham, to which he trusted and obeyed.

But far more magnificent to behold is God’s provision of the ram, the substitute sacrificed in exchange for another’s life.

By grace, God provided a substitute.

In response, Abraham named that place, The Lord Will Provide.

Yahweh Yir’eh has provided at countless times, in countless ways ever since. However, the fulfillment of what was foreshadowed that day with Abraham, came centuries later upon that same Mount of Provision.

The provision of God’s Firstborn Son, which began in Bethlehem’s stable, extended beyond His birth. For it was further realized in His death. And resurrection.

In all things, Jesus is the provision. And He is the substitute—for His life given was so others might live. But three days later God received back His Firstborn Son!

God provided on that mount for Abraham;

He provided in that shepherd’s cave;

He provided on Mount Calvary;

And through an empty grave.

From the Son’s sacrifice on that mount, He has provided for you, too!


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